The Extraordinary Leader
This dynamic workshop is a live version of the year-long innovative leadership program that promotes and develops leadership at all levels of the organization. One full day
The Star Within You!
Becoming a star and seeing the star qualities in your people, is the first step in preparing to be an “Employer of Choice” that attracts and retains the best. One-half day
"Livin' The Life"
This powerful workshop is designed to enhance the happiness, health and wealth of managers and all of their staff. 90 minutes or One-half day
The Manager as Coach - Coaching for Results
It’s a new reality! Our workforce is changing and the role of manager/leader is changing. One full day or one-half day
Becoming an “Employer of Choice”
As the economy, workforce and labor markets change, organizations must work hard to attract and retain a trained and motivated team. One-half day
Service Excellence
Here is an opportunity for all leaders and staff to understand and experience the key components to Service Excellence. No matter your level, you can benefit from the right perspective and tools on service. One-half day
Developing a Culture of Service Excellence
In order for Service Excellence to become part of the culture of your organization, it all starts from the TOP! One or two full days
Leadership Retreats
Let us customize a training and retreat experience for any or all levels of your organization. When the right environments are in place, trust and creativity can happen.