Kickstart Your New Normal

... from Behind Your Mask!

Extraordinary Leaders Reinvent! They reinvent their way of doing business and they reinvent themselves. The journey from where you are to where you want to go requires an elevated approach. How will you “be” in this time of New Normal? It starts from Within!

Join us for a KickStart series designed to help you bring out your best NOW – during these changing times!

This program consists of three 1-hour tele/Zoom classes and will explore the following:

1. Reinvention – What and Why!

  • Leaving the Comfortable
  • Exploring the White Space

2. The Best Version of You!

  • Looking in the Mirror
  • Meeting the New You

3. Elevate Your Leadership – by Choice!

  • Lead Evolution
  • Design an Extraordinary New Normal

Join us for this game-changing program that is designed and delivered by trusted coaches. Listen, learn and practice your way to thrive – not just survive!

Join us for our next teleclass/Zoom sessions (one hour per day).

Fees are just $99 per person for this series. OR, register 4 participants for the price of 3!


Please connect with us for upcoming session dates: [email protected]


Register in US Dollars

Register in CDN Dollars